Friday, March 14, 2008


I am from Brazil, but I was born in New Zealand. I lived in Brazil for 6 months in 2007.

It is a beautiful place, maybe you should go there and have a look around at the waterfalls.

I lived on a farm, it was cool. There were cows, chickens, one or two roosters, there were lakes and my Grandma, which is vovó in Portuguese. My Grandma owns a mountain where the cows eat the grass.

There are all types of spiders. When I first got there, there was one of the poisonous spiders down my T-shirt, when I was playing guitar. I chucked my T-shirt onto the ground and my Grandma shook my shirt and the spider fell out. It is the same as the Daddy-Longleg but it can bite you and its venom is strong.

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