Monday, June 2, 2008

the nervous system

The nervous system is a very complex system in the body. It has many, many parts. The nervous system is divided into two main systems, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system. The spinal cord and the brain make up the CNS. Its main job is to get the information from the body and send out instructions. The peripheral nervous system is made up of all of the nerves and the wiring. This system sends the messages from the brain to the rest of the body.

what is blood

Blood is thicker than water and has a little bit salty taste. In an adults body there is 10.6 pints of blood circulating around. In their blood there is billions of living blood cells floating in a liquid called plasma. If you took a small sample of this blood and poured it into a test tube and then put it in a machine called a centrifuge, you would be able to see the layers of this blood. This machine spins the blood around so fast that it separates the red blood cells, from the white blood cells, from the platelets. The red blood cells sink to the bottom because they are the heavier, more solid parts, but the plasma remains at the top because it is lighter. The plasma is 95% water and the other 5% is made up of dissolved substances including salts.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Zealand is one of the most recently settled major land masses. The first settlers of New Zealand were Eastern Polynesian who came to New Zealand, probably in a series of migrations, sometime between around AD 800 and 1300.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Did you know that a sloth got it,s name from its slow movement. It is not lazy it is just slow.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hi my name is Andrew and welcome to my blog.on my blog I will put some pictures of some cool cars.
I hope you can leave a comment on my blog.

Friday, March 21, 2008


A new ship was made called Titanic it was the biggest ship to set sail on water. What a sight it was the titanic measured 882 feet (270 meters) from front to back. That is almost as long as four city blocks. The ship was as tall as an eleven-story building. It tock the white star company three years to build Titanic. Titanic had watertight doors so if an accident happened the captain could shut the doors with a touch of a button so If four compartments were filled with water it could stay afloat. People called the Titanic unsinkable. The Titanic was on its first trip to New York. The captain said we will reach New York just on time. The ship was going at a fast speed. The ship had 2,208 people on it. Some one was taking a new car over too New York. A different ship was going that way that the Titanic would be going they sent a danger single to the Titanic the captain did not read all of the danger signals. The sign was about ice bergs be careful big ice bergs ahead. The captain should of stopped and waited for morning because it is hard to see ice bergs at night. The captain said look fore ice bergs some one said ice bergs ahead they started turning the ship around the ship did not hit the ice berg but it scraped the side of the ship water rushed into the ship the captain shut the watertight doors. Andrews and the captain rushed to check the damage. They saw that water had already filled five compartments. Andrews said the ship was going to sink it would go down in less then two hours. Captain Smith told his crew the terrible news: They would have to get all the passengers ready to abandon ship but they must not try to upset the passengers. They told the people to dress warmly they did not tell that titanic was doomed. The life boats on the ships are at the top deck. First –and second-class passengers were closer to the deck then third-class passengers. People started walking towards the lifeboats. The ships band tried to help by playing cheerful music. Crewmen began loading the lifeboats. Woman and children first!” they said. Many people did not want to get into the lifeboats they wondered how those tiny boats could be as safe as Titanic. The Titanic was going down there’s not match time left!. People started running to the lifeboats. People started jumping into the ice cold water only some of them reached the lifeboats. Andrews jumped on to a life boat that was upside down with more then 20 men on it.
The titanic went down in to the water people could not believe that the Titanic the unsinkable boat had sunk. It is a story on a terrible loss of 1,503 people but it is also a story of great strength and courage. It was one of man kind’s biggest mistakes.

Captain smith said there is nothing ales you can do. It is every man for him self. Capitan smith went down with his ship titanic

Friday, March 14, 2008


I am from Brazil, but I was born in New Zealand. I lived in Brazil for 6 months in 2007.

It is a beautiful place, maybe you should go there and have a look around at the waterfalls.

I lived on a farm, it was cool. There were cows, chickens, one or two roosters, there were lakes and my Grandma, which is vovó in Portuguese. My Grandma owns a mountain where the cows eat the grass.

There are all types of spiders. When I first got there, there was one of the poisonous spiders down my T-shirt, when I was playing guitar. I chucked my T-shirt onto the ground and my Grandma shook my shirt and the spider fell out. It is the same as the Daddy-Longleg but it can bite you and its venom is strong.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Did you know the first sample of life appeared on earth about three billion years ago.

Did you know the first reptile appeared around 340 million years ago.They were small animals no more then 20 centimetres (8 inches) or so in length.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Did you know that the jumping jet dosnet need a long runway because it can go strat up in to the air

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Did you know

Did you know so far the fastest speed is considered to be the speed of light

the new rule

Hi did you know that there is a new rule if your cars exhaust pipe is over 90 disables you will not get a warrent for your car.Did you know that plice can now pull you of the rood if you have a loud exhaust pipe.

I hope you can leave a coment and what you think about the new rule.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

plastic bags

Did you know that plastic bags take 1000 years to break down back into the earth

My First Post

Hi my name is Andrew and welcome to my blog.on my blog I will put some pictures of some cool cars.

I hope you can leave a comment on my blog.